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Bill Cosby

I Am What I Ate...and I'm frightened!!!: And Other Digressions from the Doctor of Comedy

What Would Jesus Eat?

What Would Jesus Eat? details the health benefits of the diet that Jesus ate. Dr. Don Colbert shares information such as why certain foods forbidden in the Old Testament are unhealthy, Jesus' favorite foods, the health benefits of the foods Jesus ate, as well as the health risks of the foods that Jesus avoided.

Eating Well for Optimum Health

Eating Well for Optimum Health is a practical guide about food, diet, and nutrition that will transform the way you eat. Dr. Weil warns about popular diets that are harmful or inadequate, the negative effects of a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acid, discourages eating fast food french fries, and shares information on vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals. Included are 85 healthy recipes for dishes that are tasty, quick to prepare and complete with nutritional breakdowns. There are also tips for eating out and shopping for food.

The Doctor's Diet

The Take-Control Diet

The Doctor's Diet by Travis Stork, MD is "the cure for unhealthy eating" and outlines steps to a healthier life. Dr. Stork offers a diet that will help readers prevent disease, restore health, lose weight and add years to their lives. He shares food groups that act as medicines to get an immediate result. Also included are recipes for a variety of diets - from meat lovers to vegetarians.


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