William D. Watley

William D. Watley

William D. Watley

Shop William D. Watley

Inspirational books by William D. Watley: Includes Less Than Tipping: Twenty-five Reasons to Tithe, Less than Tipping/ Questions & Answers about Tithing, Bring the Full Tithe: Sermons on the Grace of Giving, Breaking Financial Barriers: Messages for Financial Empowerment, and 10 Steps to Financial Freedom.

Dr. Watley's Dime-Dime Plan: "The frst dime goes where?" (Points upwards to God, signifying the tithe.) "The second dime goes where?" (Points to himself, representing an indivodual making a deposit into his/her own savings account.) "And we live on the 80%.")

Visit Dr. Watley's website, Across the Generations.

William D. Watley

William D. Watley

William D. Watley

William D. Watley

William D. Watley

William D. Watley

William D. Watley

William D. Watley

William D. Watley

William D. Watley

William D. Watley, et al

William D. Watley, et al

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